Today is WORLD OCEANS DAY, and what better way to celebrate than to announce that we are now a PADI ECO Dive Center!

For those of you have been diving here in the past few years, you know what we’re talking about.
You’ve seen us on dives, fighting SCTLD every day.
You’ve heard about the series of Coral Trees, built and perfected through trial and error by our Coal Daddies, Simon and Joe.
You’ve seen us playing our part in sea turtle conservation and lionfish control.
All this we do because we love our marine world.

So today we celebrate a little kudo – we’ve become the first PADI Eco Dive Center in Dominica.

Visit the PADI Dominica Page


World Oceans Day

World Ocean Day, first proposed in 1992, was established by the UN General Assembly in 2008 and June 8th was set as the annual event date. The goal is to celebration our world’s shared ocean and our personal connection to the sea, as well as to raise awareness about the crucial role the ocean plays in our lives and the important ways people can help protect it.