Conservation at Nature Island Dive
We are passionate about our environment, living and working in the SSMR every day.
Since 2017, we have been concentrating our efforts on marine conservation more than ever. With the support of Fisheries Division, the local community, SSMR Wardens, local and international non-profit organisations, visiting divers, and volunteers, we have been doing our best to protect the marine environment in the Soufriere Scotts Head Marine Reserve and to keep the eco-system in balance. This has been an arduous, but rewarding task.
Coral Tree
Here are some of the challenges we have been facing:
Battling SCTLD
The Lionfish Invasion
Lack of Supplies
Support Coral Conservation in Dominica
Learn more about our battle against Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) here.
Read our Conservation News here
Help Support our Efforts
Donate to Dominica’s Coral Conservation efforts through Oceans Forward (501c3)
This will take you to the Oceans Forward website.
Treating SCTLD
Our Conservation Partners
We are lucky to be surrounded by people and organisations who also care about the environment and have been willing to dedicate time, effort, and other resources to tackle some of the biggest problems that we've faced. A big THANK YOU to all of you out there who have helped our conservation efforts these past few years, and who continnue to provide much needed moral support and expertise.

Nature Island Dive’s Environments Standards
We adhere to the Green Fins Code of Conduct to protect our reefs and marine environment. Our environmental policy is as follows:
- Do not touch anything underwater
- Do not wear gloves
- Do not feed the fish or any marine life
- Do not leave any trash, including cigarettes, on the boat or in the sea
- Do not chase, harass or excessively use strobes/flash on any marine life
- Only use a muck stick responsibly – do not poke, prod or manipulate marine life
- Maintain good buoyancy and stay clear of the reef at all times to prevent damage
- Do not participate in spearfishing if it targets species vital to the ecosystem balance
- Our dive and snorkel guides correct any damaging behaviour exhibited towards marine life
- Follow the rules of our MPA, the Soufriere Scotts Head Marine Reserve.